__ _ __________________________ _____ ___ ___ ___ ________ \\\\______ \_ _ \____ \ T T (___)! \/ !\_ _ \ T _/ __/T \\__// \ \ ! !___ T¯ ¯T| \ |JT \\__/ ! \_ 7! __7_/ \ \| | \! !! !u! __7_ | |7 || ¯ ¯\ /_/ 7 ! \ || |R| ¯ \ !___!! !|_____ \___ /!____ / !! \ !A!____ \ _ __ =====|___|====\____/=\____/====\____/!___||___/\___|====\____//// rel.date: 6.4.1996 | _-=* aDDBOX iSSUE 5 *=-_ | | | `-------------------------------------' Some words about the future of Advertbox. We have decided to continue the production of Advertboxes. The support has grown all the time so we will happily continue releasing this "swapper-mag". The next Advertbox will be something very different compared to this issue. The code will be rewritten and all graphics will be drawn again. All we actually need right now is a suitable title picture. If you want to draw one, we will happily accept it. Do not use AGA-features, as this is not an AGA-production. Signed: Cheesus of Redline --------------------------